Sunday, November 16, 2008

Farm raised..

So I finally caved, my resistance failed me, and my husband bought 40 head of cattle. We are now in the cattle business. What happened to my law degree? I swear I have a piece of paper around here somewhere...... Last week we had to "work" the cattle and wean the babies. One of the cowboys who came to help us asked me ..."You a farm raised girl?" Andy thinks my new name is "farm raised".

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Say Cheese!

I was cooking dinner tonight and I had left some cream cheese on the counter. Emily asked if she could put it in her mouth. I said yes, just not in your nose. I swear I turned for only a minute, turned back and found emily covered in cream cheese.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Fall is here!

The kids and I went to the College of Southern Idaho to take pictures in the fall leaves. CSI is a fantastic school and I'm grateful it's here.

Monday, November 3, 2008



Each year Halloween is more fun! Henry was spiderman and Emily was a lion. She "roared" all night. They loved going house to house. Even more fun for them was dispensing the candy at the door. Henry and Emily's cousins James and Adam were especially adorable. Adam was the pumpkin and was totally squeezable!